Roundtable Tube
The Sabie Roundtable Tube Race during the
first weekend of February has become an
annual feature on calendars across Southern
What initially was a weekend for Joe Tabler
and his family to develop fellowship with
other Tablers, the Sabie Tube Race has grown
to be a part of many, including non-Tablers.
Rally of South Africa
National Championship Motorcar Rally. Death-defying day and night stages on the
narrow, winding forestry roads.
Excellent and free spectator value provided
by the heroic masters of cross-country motor
Mountain Bike Races
A number of National & Provincial
Mountain Bike championships and other races
are hosted throughout the year.
Longtom Marathon
The toughest ultra marathon in South Africa
is held in March/ April on the Long Tom
Pass. More than 1 000 runners
participate in this grueling 56km event.
Gold Panning Champs
The National championships is held in
September in Pilgrim's Rest - Great fun for
all !!