Mondi Cycad Reserve (SANHP Site # 11)
This 1 ha site in the Pilgrims Rest area with North-Eastern Mountain
Sourveld (Acocks Veld Type 8) vegetation includes an undisturbed stand
of 358 Encephalartos humilis plants.
In-De-Diepte Reserve (SANHP Site # 13)
The vegetation of this 943 ha site in the Pilgrims Rest area consists
mainly of North-Eastern Mountain Sourveld (Acocks Veld Type 8). This
veld type is rapidly diminishing in size due to afforestation.
The grassveld is the refuge of a number of small game species such as
the oribi (Ourebia ourebia), grey rhebuck (Pelea capreolus)
and red duiker (Cephalophus natalensis). Bird species
include the extremely rare redwing and greywing partridges (Francolinus
levailantii and F. africanus). This is one of the few
areas where the vulnerable fish species Treur River barb (Barbus
treurensis) occurs.
Contact: Global Forest Products on (013) 764-1011
Mount Sheba Nature Reserve (SANHP Site # 15)
Acocks Veld Type 8 (North-Eastern Mountain Sourveld) occurs on this 1 110 ha reserve in the Pilgrims Rest area.
The following species are some of the rare plants recorded on Mount
Sheba: Clivia caulescens, Gladiolus varius and Disa
extinctoria. The rich indigenous forests host mammal species
such as oribi (Ourebia ourebia), klipspringer (Oreotragus
oretragus) and African wild cat (Felis lybica). Gold
diggings and wagon trails date back to the beginning of the century.
Mount Sheba Nature Reserve on (013) 768-1125
Buffelskloof Private Nature Reserve (SANHP Site # 26)
The main feature of this 1 458 ha site in the Lydenburg area is the
indigenous forest which is said to be the largest single privately
owned forest in the old Transvaal Province. It covers some 700
ha and consists of Transvaal Drakensberg Escarpment Forest of both the
upper and the lower montane types; 209 different tree species, some of
them rare, have been identified and specimens are housed in the
Reserve's herbarium.
The forest provides habitat for many bird species such as the
crowned eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus), narina trogon (Apaloderma
scriptus), Knysna loerie (Tauaco corythaix) and trumpeter
hornbill (Bycanistes bucinator). Mammals include the
bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) and the rare red duiker (Cephalopus
natalensis). On the grassy uplands (Acocks Veld Type No. 8)
above the Kloof mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) and
small numbers of the vulnerable oribi (Ourebia ourebia) can be
found with klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) on the krantzes.
Serval (Felis serval) and aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
also occur but are rarely seen. Small numbers of the vulnerable
cycad species Encephalartos humilis are present.
Misty Mountain (SANHP Site # 48)
This 293 ha site on the Long Tom Pass between Sabie and Lydenburg is
one of the last remnant areas of undisturbed North-Eastern Sourveld (Acocks
Veld Type 8). Three rare plant species Kiphofia triangularis,
Watsonia transvaalensis and Gladiolus varius var. micranthus
have been recorded on the site. Two of the five bird species
listed as endangered occur on the site, namely the blackrumped
buttonquail (Turnix hottentotta) and the blue swallow (Hirundo
atracaerulea), the latter breeding here.
Misty Mountain Chalets on (013) 764-3377
Mondi Indigenous Forest Reserve (SANHP Site # 50)
This 52 ha reserve in the Pilgrims Rest area of largely undisturbed
forest (Acocks Veld Type 8) protects large specimens of yellowwood (Podocarpus
sp.) and red stinkwood (Prunus africana). Rare
vertebrates include Natal ghost frog (Heleophryne natalensis),
red duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) and narina trogon (Apaloderma
nerina). The area is well watered, and as a result there are
numerous streams, waterfalls, and drip-maintained rockface
Mondi Tree Fern Reserve (SANHP Site # 51)
In this 3,3 ha reserve in the Pilgrims Rest area there are 1 226 tree
ferns (Cyathea dregi) ranging from 1 m to 5 m high. This could
well be the greatest concentration of the species in the world.
Mbesan (SANHP Site # 93)
The vegetation on this 210 ha site in the Lydenburg area consists of
North Eastern Sourveld (Acocks Veld Type 8) and Lowveld Sour Bushveld
(Acocks Veld Type 9). Communities of the threatened cycad
Encephalartos humilis are found here. The area is a good example
of an unspoilt aquatic habitat with the unpolluted water of the
Crocodile River providing habitat for the Cape clawless otter (Aonyx
capensis). Steep cliffs leading to a plateau covered with
grassveld form a sensitive catchment area. This relatively
undeveloped area offers an abundance of fauna, bird and fish species
which include the rare red duiker (Cephalophus natalensis) and leopard
(Panthera pardus).
Waterval (SANHP Site # 96)
The vegetation on this 200 ha site in the Lydenburg area is classified
as North Eastern Sandy Highveld (Acocks Veld Type 57) and Lowveld Sour
Bushveld (Acocks Veld Type 9). Tree ferns and yellowwood grow in the
kloof areas. The rare Gladiolus cataractarum is protected on
this site which forms part of the catchment of the Crocodile
River. Land monitor (Varanus exanthematicus), water monitor
(Varanus niloticus), aardvark (Orycteropus afer) and oribi
(Ourebia ourebia)
are vulnerable fauna that occur here. Rare species include
leopard (Panthera pardus) and serval (Felis serval). The rare
bird species peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) also nests
here. A waterfall, approximately 20 m high, forms an outstanding
natural feature on this site.
Flinner Properties on (013) 235-4264
London Nature
Reserve (SANHP Site # 132)
The vegetation of this 948 ha reserve north of Graskop consists of
North-Eastern Mountain Sourveld (Acocks Veld Type 8), with pockets of
indigenous forests. A well-developed wetland system is found
along parts of the Treur River and parts of the catchment area of the
Treur and Blyde Rivers. Rock ash (Ekebergia pterophylla)
and silver sugarbush (Protea roupelliae) are some of the tree
and shrub species. The vulnerable fish species Treur River barb (Barbus
treurensis) and the endangered blue swallow (Hirundo
atracaerulea) are also found on this site. Outstanding
natural features are the cliffs enclosing the valley and the cascades
and pools of the Treur River.
Sudwala Rain Forest (SANHP Site # 167)
Acocks Veld Type 9 (Lowveld Sour Bushveld) occurs on this 300 ha
site. A natural rain forest of about 20 ha also occurs
here. A gorge with stinkwood trees (Ocotea bullata) is
part of the rain forest. The rare aloe, Aloe aloöides,
is found here. The Sudwala Caves occur on the site and shards
have been found here.
Owen family on (013) 733-5267 or (013) 733-4155
Paradise Camp (SANHP Site # 196)
The veld type on this 57 ha site near Graskop is Acocks Veld Type
8 (North-Eastern Mountain Sourveld). Red Data Book plants Erica
rivularis (endangered) and the orchid Angraecum chamaeanthus
as well as Streptocarpus pogonites (rare) and Polystachya
transvaalensis occur on this site. Red Data Book birds like
the blue swallow (Hirundo atroccaerulea), striped flufftail (Sarothrura
affinis) and Stanley's bustard (Neotis denhami) are also
present. Approximately 15 larger mammal species, some of which
are listed in the South African Red Data Book, are sporadic visitors
to the site. The scenic beauty of the escarpment is an important
feature of the area.
Ken Gamble on (013) 767-1118
Venus (SANHP Site # 216)
Acocks Veld Type 8 (North-Eastern Mountain Sourveld) and Veld Type 9 (Lowveld
Sour Bushveld) are found on this 1 410 ha site on the Mac Mac River
near Sabie. Stands of special plant communities occur on the
site. An interesting feature is the occurrence of a combination
of Afromantane forests and low lying riverine bush. There are
important water habitats, ranging from fast flowing streams over
stones and rock plates to slow flowing wide streams over sandbeds. The
indigenous forests and riverine bush provide habitat for a number of
threatened fauna species. Outstanding natural features such as
waterfalls, rock pools and fern covered rocks occur on the terrain.
Malidyke (SANHP Site # 293)
This 248 ha site between Sabie and Graskop is essentially a rolling
open primary grassland comprising of North Eastern Mountain Sourveld (Acocks
Veld Type 8) which is known for its high level of endemism and
floristic diversity. The site forms part of the catchment of the
MacMac River, which in turn feeds the Sabie River. Malidyke is
also known to be a breeding site for the highly endangered blue
swallow (Hirundo atracaerulea). Other bird species sited
in the area includes lesser striped swallow (Hirundo abyssinica),
helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris), hoopoe (Upupa
africana) and long-crested eagle (Lophaetus occipitalis).
Komatiland (formerly Safcol) on (013) 764-1051
Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve
Although not a registered SA
Five of the 71 different veld types of
South Africa occur on the reserve. These include Mixed Bushveld,
North Eastern Mountain Sourveld, Lowveld Sour Bushveld and Lowveld Mixed
Bushveld. The reserve represents a transitional zone for the
flora of these five veld types, including their associated fauna,
which migrate along the escarpment from as far south as the Southern
Cape; plants from KwaZulu-Natal; sub-tropical plants from the Lowveld
and plants from the central bushveld, which follow the Ohrigstad and
Olifants River valleys into the canyon. The rich and varied
plant life is influenced by the specific climate, altitude and soil
These rich and diverse plant communities support, in turn, an
equally rich and varied fauna. The montane grassland provide
suitable habitat for grey rhebuck (Pelea capreolus), the rare
oribi (Ourebia ourebia), a variety of seed eating birds,
rodents, reptiles and an abundance of insects. Klipspringers (Oreotragus
oretragus) and hyrax (dassies) (Procavia capensis) find
food and shelter in rocky areas while mountain reedbuck (Redunca
fulvorufula) and kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) prefer
wooden bushveld where patches of dense cover also shelter the rare red duiker
(Cephalophus natalensis). Bushbuck (Tragelaphus
scriptus) and bush-pig (Potamochoerus porcus) feed on the
luxuriant growth on the banks of the rivers and streams.
A variety of aquatic animals including waterbirds, fish, otters, hippo
and crocodile live in and around the dam, rivers, mountain streams and
wetlands. Birds of grassland, woodland, forest and scrub occur,
with all three the indigenous loerie species present. All five
of South Africa's primates are found in the reserve, including the
rare samango monkey. The nocturnal bushbabies (Galago
crassicaudatus), as well as vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus
aethiops) and chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) are often
An interesting variety of small mammals include the yellow footed
squirrel, honey badger, aardvark, aardwolf, porcupine and various
mongoose species. On top of the food chain is the leopard, as
well as smaller carnivores such as the spotted genet, civet cat,
serval and caracal.
And so we could go on, and on, and on .......
But no amount of describing can capture the tranquility of hearing a murmuring
waterfall; feeling the rough bark of a silent forest
giant; hearing the call of a fish eagle; smelling the
goodness of a damp forest floor; seeing the vast expanse of
creation or hearing the whisper of a butterfly's flight.
experienced the Big-5
in the Kruger National Park.
Now experience the Precious-500
in the Sabie Area.